Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Economice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economice - Assignment Example Along the European shores there are ten countries that will sign a pact to start working on an underwater electrical grid to link up disparate projects (The Economist, 2010). Norway has hydroelectric stations that can serve as giant batteries that store energy. Spain can take advantage of solar and wind renewable energies, while the Sahara desert has the potential to be a productive region for the implementation of solar technology. Europe would benefit tremendously if the producers of energy could trade energy over the grid in a single market. The estimated made by European officials established that energy savings of between 20%-25% could be possible. In Europe energy is being generated through multiple technologies including wind, sun, gas, and nuclear power. The European commission established that the government has to invest nearly $1.4 trillion over the next decade in its energy infrastructure. The fact that utilities are a public monopoly enables this industry to receive governmental assistance. Creating a single energy market in Europe will be difficult due to the fact that electricity and gas networks are treated as natural monopolies. Currently the only countries that are sharing their energy resources are Spain and Portugal. The fragmentation for the gas industry is even worse than the one for electricity in Europe. New regulations such as EU’s 20/20/20 which seeks a 20% greenhouse gas, a 20% reduction in energy, and a 20% increase in renewable energy should help increase cooperation. Another change in the industry that will help form a single market is the fact that companies must now either sell their distribution networks or run them as a separate business. A single energy market in Europe would represent the biggest utility monopoly market in the world. OIL and gas are being drained from under the North Sea. But its time as Europe’s energy reservoir is not over. Along its shores and on its waters, thousands of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Community College vs. Universities Essay Example for Free

Community College vs. Universities Essay Which is better, a community college or university? Both are a great experience. But In my opinion you would benefit more affectively from a community college. There are multiple reasons why a community is better, such as a cheaper cost. In this economy cheaper sounds much nicer than an expensive university. Also a smaller class, which means more hands on experience with your teacher. And the hours would be more flexible, adjusting to your lifestyle. I could sit for hours for and name many more reason; the examples are numerous but let’s go a little deeper into the details and see if you’ll also agree with me. For starters, in our current economy cheaper sounds very alluring and tempting. Although you can’t put a price on your education, it’s nice to know you’re getting your money’s worth. Being said; the average tuition for a university is 4,694 dollars. And the whole sum for the full four years is roughly about 35,000 dollars (A real eye opener for a soon to be college student! ) The community college is lower and tuition lesser than half reaching only about 2,076 dollars. Meaning you can take classes and earn credits toward a two year or four year degree program at a lower cost. With a university the price expectations can be difficult to reach. You never know if you get into your major and want to switch it up; in that case it would’ve just been a waste of time and money. So the difference in the prices should already be opening your thoughts on if you should be considering a community college over a university. Also, if you like more hands on opportunities with your teachers a community college would be perfect for you. Community Colleges tend toward fewer students per class, which means more student/teacher interaction. The standard number of students in a community class is around 15 to 20 students. In a smaller class, professors have the opportunity to learn more about their students and become more entwine in your work personally. And you will also have a much easier time getting to know your classmates, compared to a university where’s there’s about 40 to 50 a class. In which classes would be more lectured instead of having that one on one time. That could result in you not fully understanding the work or your teacher’s method. Also, this is good for students who like access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoids getting lost in the course material or in the shuffle. Therefore, it shows that size matters when it comes to education, and reducing class size is an important step in promoting effective learning. Another asset to being in a community college is being able to adjust your school schedule to your lifestyle. For instant, many students dont realize that if they plan on working while attending school, community college is hands down, the best option. For example, having a job while going to school can become very difficult. A job schedule is very unpredictable, and so are the people you work with. And whoever you work for may need you to come in early or work late, so having an early or night class may help you out. And another crucial scenario that a lot of school student have nowadays is children. Sometimes you’re put in a situation where u may have to be with your child, or have to pick them up from school. That may cause you to miss a day of class, or in worser cases days of school. A community college offers far more night classes then a university college, which means there can be more personal adjustments to you schedule. Versus a university, where it may be more backbreaking to deal with the schedule they apply to you. University students are expected to do university as if it’s a full-time job, and then some. As such, the schools will not flinch to schedule a crucial class at 8 or 9 in the morning, five days a week. In doing, it would become extremely difficult to work a 9 to 5. Concluding, community college sounds way more stable and appealing to the upcoming college student. The pricing is more affordable year round, so you still have cash for the necessary necessities. If you’re looking for more hands on experience then it’s also right for you, versus the 50 students that’ll be in your university class. Lastly it would be lighter on your schedule, especially if you are trying to keep a 9 to 5 job, or juggle kids. To wrap it all up, the university life isn’t as glamorous as it may appear. It may look appealing on TV but the price will make you reconsider.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Role of Media in the Society Essay -- newspaper internet televisio

The Role of Media in the Society Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient times when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information, some books like "the Iliad", and different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV and reading newspapers. There're a lot of different types of information sources, all of them are specific and dedicated for different types of information. Newspapers, Internet, television, radio, and magazines are all media. The media provides information to educate, to inform or simply to entertain its audience. The importance of the media is to publish the message worldwide, so that it can become popular. The effects of media on our society are different some of them are even harmful. Media was one of the causes of World War I, journalists and writers of that time tried to publish newspapers and magazines that were telling people how was nationalism good. They were advertising war and weapons. Another bad aspect about media is TV and Internet that are influencing our psychology. Nowadays we can see a lot of violence on TV, advertising of alcohol and cigarettes. Now I'll tell you about different sorts of media in our country. Newspaper: A typically daily or weekly publication containing news and opinion of current events, feature articles, and usually adverti... ... dedicated to music, not to news and facts. Also there are different radios that are playing only specific music genres. I'm usually listening to radio only in my car. So now we can prove that media is 4th power of controlling society and it depends on country, who is the head of it - community or government. People are using media to show the entire world the truth. Politicians are also using media to make themselves look better and using Black-PR to humiliate their opponents. In countries with communist or monarchy regime media is only not armed method to control people. All this is depend on bunch of people which are responsible for media - journalist. They have special journalist ethic. After all without media our world will be boring and life will stops it flow and whole world will fall in the age of darkness.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pearson Us History Review Questions Essay

1. In the United States, the significant change represented by the Supreme Court’s decisions concerning Dred Scott (1857) and Brown v. Board of Education (1954) best illustrates the * ability of government to revise tax laws. * desire of minority groups to be recognized. * disappearance of prejudice and discrimination. * continuing struggle of African Americans to achieve equality. 2. The United States Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) was important because it * strengthened the determination of abolitionists to achieve their goals. * caused the immediate outbreak of the Civil War. * ended the importation of slaves into the United States. * increased the power of Congress to exclude slavery from the territories. 3. Which issues were controversial in national politics during the period 1800–1850? * racial prejudice, territorial expansion, immigration policy * tariff policy, nullification, rights of neutrals * regulation of railroads, overseas acquisitions, federal income tax policy * states’ rights policy, control of the Northwest Territory, recognition of United States independence by France 4. Which statement best reflects the political philosophy of Alexander Hamilton regarding the power of a federal government? * The government which governs least governs best. * The central government should cede most of its authority to local governments. * The government may exercise all powers necessary and proper to meet its responsibilities. * The executive branch may exercise only those powers specifically given to it by the Supreme Court. 5. The executive branch of the United States government has traditionally gained power during periods when * the presidency has been occupied by a high-ranking military officer. * the Republican Party was in the majority in Congress and the President was a Democrat. * there has been a serious domestic or international problem facing the United States. * the Supreme Court and Congress have been in conflict over constitutional issues. 6. Actions and policies of the government under President George Washington generally resulted in the * establishment of strong political ties with other nations. * liberation of many enslaved persons. * failure to create a sound financial program for the country. * strengthening of the federal government. 7. The significance of the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) is that it * established the principle of judicial review. * declared the Alien and Sedition Acts to be legitimate laws. * demonstrated the supremacy of the national government over the states. * attempted to place the judiciary outside the impeachment power of the House of Representatives. 8. Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court * stimulated the States rights movement by supporting the idea that states could reject acts of Congress. * helped create a sense of national unity by strengthening the federal government. * weakened the judiciary by refusing to deal with controversial issues. * became heavily involved in foreign affairs. 9. In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the United States wanted to * keep control of Alaska and Hawaii.   * establish more colonies in Latin America. * support England’s attempt to keep its empire in Central America. * warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America. 10. Which means for redressing grievances is applicable to American Indians but is usually not applicable to other minority groups? nonviolent marches to draw attention to injustices equal educational and employment opportunity laws   * economic boycott of all products manufactured in the United States * collective lawsuits to recover ancestral lands 11. Adherence to a strict interpretation of the Constitution would have prevented President Thomas Jefferson from * making the Louisiana Purchase. * writing the â€Å"State of the Union† messages. * receiving ambassadors. * commissioning military officers. 12. In the United States, third-party movements occur most often when * there is clear danger of foreign attack. * the President is inconsistent in foreign policy. * major political parties ignore vital public interests. * interests in overseas trade and possessions intensifies. 13. The main goal of the Seneca Falls Convention (1848) was to * obtain equal rights for women. * make the public aware of environmental problems.   * correct the abuses of big business.   * organize the first labor union in the United States. 14. Once an amendment has been added to the United States Constitution, which process must be used to change that amendment? * ratifying a new amendment   * convincing states to ignore the amendment   * having Congress pass a law repealing the amendment   * having the President issue an executive order canceling the amendment 15. During the period 1820–1860, the major concerns in the United States dealt with issues related to * determining the future of slavery. * increasing public funding of political campaigns. * decreasing the number of elective offices. * decreasing voter registration drives. 16. The constitutional amendment reading: â€Å"The right of citizens of the United States who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.† restricted the * reserved powers of the States. * delegated powers of Congress. * powers assumed by the Supreme Court. * powers retained by the people. 17. Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was the * elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections. * granting of the right to vote to women. * elimination of the electoral college system for electing the President. * extension of suffrage to most African Americans. 18. In 1794, President George Washington sent Federal troops into western Pennsylvania to deal with an uprising known as the Whiskey Rebellion. The significance of President Washington’s action is that it * strengthened the power of local and state governments. * forced Congress to pass the Bill of Rights. * showed the strength of the Federal Government under the Constitution. * weakened the power of the Federal Government to collect sales taxes. 19. Which statement about the westward movement in the United States during the nineteenth century is most accurate? * The frontier discouraged interest in the expansion of voting rights. * The frontier experience tended to decrease social class difference. * Western expansion slowed the rate of industrialization. * The West was settled mostly by immigrants from Asian nations. 20. At the beginning of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln maintained that the war was being fought to * uphold national honor. * prevent foreign involvement.   * free all slaves.   * preserve the Union. 21. In the period between 1820 and 1860, Southerners wanted slavery extended to the Western territories so that the South could * continue to elect Southern Presidents.   * continue to dominate the Supreme Court.   * keep enough strength in the Senate to protect Southern interests. * use slave labor to expand Southern industries. 22. A similarity between the pre-Civil War abolitionist movement and the Progressive movement is that both * were mainly concerned with improving the status of African Americans. * worked to reduce income taxes. * contributed directly to the start of a major war.   * sought to improve the conditions of poor or oppressed peoples. 23. In the United States, the widespread disregard of the fugitive slave laws and of the Prohibition laws most clearly indicated that * strongly held values are difficult to regulate. * the federal government is generally unable to enforce its own laws. * little respect is given to the legal system.   * the judicial system is too lenient in its treatment of offenders. 24. Alexander Hamilton believed that a major role of the Federal Government was to * establish and control public schools. * support and encourage business and industry. * promote the superiority of the agrarian way of life. * limit its activities by allowing the states to make important national decisions. 25. Which statement about the results of the Civil War is most accurate? * Federal supremacy was strengthened.* Constitutional government was proven ineffective.   * Universal suffrage was generally accepted.   * Sectional disputes ceased to exist. 26. Alexander Hamilton’s argument that the government has the power to create a National Bank is based on which part of the Constitution? * the Preamble * the elastic clause * guarantees to the States * the Bill of Rights 27. The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall was similar to the Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren in that both * strengthened the power and influence of business. * increased the President’s war powers. * changed public policy through broad interpretation of the Constitution. * increased the rights of the accused under the fifth and sixth amendments. 28. In the United States during the late 1780s, the Federalists were most likely to support * continued loyalty to the British Government. * establishment of a weak national government. * strengthening of States rights. * ratification of the United States Constitution. 29. The tariff issue of 1828, the secession of the Southern states in the 1860s, and school desegregation in the 1950s dealt with the constitutional issue of * the federal-state relationship. * popular sovereignty. * checks and balances. * representation in Congress. 30. The legal basis for the United States purchase of the Louisiana Territory was the * power granted to the President to make treaties. * President’s power as Commander in Chief. * authority of Congress to declare war. * Senate’s duty to approve the appointment of ambassadors. 31. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were best noted for their struggle to * prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcohol. * abolish slavery. * secure the right of women to vote. * expose government corruption. 32. The reason for ending the importation of enslaved persons to the United States after 1807 was the * success of the American colonial revolution against Britain. * rapid industrialization of the South. * replacement of slave labor by immigrant workers from eastern Europe. * passage of legislation that forbids the practice. 33. The power relationship that changed most as a result of the Civil War was the increase in the power of the * individual over the state. * military over the civilian population. * Congress over the President. * Federal Government over the states. 34. Which event was the immediate cause of the secession of several Southern states from the Union in 1860? * the Dred Scott decision, which declared that all prior compromises on the extension of slavery into the territories were unconstitutional * the Missouri Compromise, which kept an even balance between the number of free and slave states * the raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, which was led by the militant abolitionist John Brown * the election of President Abraham Lincoln, who opposed the spread of slavery into the territories 35. Which long-term tradition finally became part of the United States Constitution through an amendment? * the two-party system* the appointment of a Presidential Cabinet   * restricting the President to two terms of office * the election of Federal judges

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How does Human Activities have an Effect on Climate Change?

â€Å"Humans are almost entirely the cause† of climate change, according to a scientist who once doubted that global warming even existed. As many scientists and physicists across the world believe that human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in Earth’s atmosphere in the amounts of greenhouse gases, aerosols (small particles), and cloudiness. A recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that the largest known contribution comes from the burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect climate by altering incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared (thermal) radiation that are part of Earth’s energy balance. Furthermore, changing the atmospheric abundance or properties of these gases and particles can lead to a warming or cooling of the climate system. Since the start of the industrial era (about 1750), the overall effect of human activities on climate has been a warming influence. The human impact on climate during this era greatly exceeds that due to known changes in natural processes, such as solar changes and volcanic eruption. As a result it is clear why climate change has such a big impact on our planet and what it has in store for our future as well. It is caused by many reasons as stated above, with supporting evidence it no doubt that climate change is becoming serious as time passes. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the greenhouse effect. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. Long-lived gases, remaining semi-permanently in the atmosphere, which do not respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature, are described as â€Å"forcing† climate change whereas gases, such as water, which respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature are seen as â€Å"feedbacks. Many of these gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. The role of humans play a very important role in climate change, in its recently released a recent report called, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which states, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there's a more than 90 percent probability that human activities over the past 250 year s have warmed our planet. Furthermore, it concludes that the industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The panel also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the observed increase in Earth's temperatures over the past 50 years. They said the rate of increase in global warming due to these gases is very likely to be unprecedented within the past 10,000 years or more. Scientists have blamed human activities such as causing a negative effect on the planets natural resources such as increasing amount of greenhouse gases releasing into the atmosphere, burning more unnatural sources, and cutting down more forests. As a result, restricting the use of unnecessary resources and contributing to a cleaner process. Many reports state that when humans burn gasoline, coal, natural gas, and other common fuels to make electricity or drive cars, they release a substantial amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. For every gallon (or liter) of gasoline your car burns, 1300 times that volume of CO2 is released (a gallon of gas weighs about 6 pounds or 2. 8 kilograms, but the released CO2 would weigh over 19 pounds or 8. 75 kilograms). Greenhouse gases are emitted from power plants and cars, but also from landfills, from farms and cleared forests, and through other subtle processes. Many contributions and research have proven many of this facts one of them is the use of modeling with the aid of computers. To prove the case that climate change is mostly caused by humans, scientists had to take into account other factors: complicated atmospheric physics, the interactions between air and land and between air and water, changing amounts of ice and of desert and forest, and the natural processes that have changed the climate for 4. 54 billion years. To do all this, scientists recreate the crime scene. Because there’s only one Earth, they do that with computers. Climate scientists use powerful computers to construct models based on physics of the climate system. These models enable scientists to make predictions and test hypotheses about what processes affect the climate. These models are based on the fundamental of science, many of them include thermodynamic principles, orbital dynamics, and the balance of heat entering and leaving the atmosphere. Scientists can do experiments with these models that they can’t do on the planet. They can set the atmosphere to match conditions a century ago, and see whether the model’s predictions match what scientists measured at the time. And they can set the models to match conditions millions of years ago, to better understand how past climate changed. This allows them to verify that the models are accurate and to fine-tune the output. They can also remove the effects of human activities from the models, and see how much of the climate change they observe is still predicted by the models. As a result, there is very little time on what necessary steps must be taken in order to decrease the climate change and stabilize the amount of greenhouse gases omitted into the atmosphere. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping therefore are resulting in an increase on the rate of global warming throughout the planet Climate scientists use powerful computers to construct models based on physics of the climate system. These models enable scientists to make predictions and test hypotheses about what processes affect the climate. Many hard proved evidence point to only one reason, which is towards human activities, resulting in a negative effect throughout the Earth’s atmosphere causing many disasters, climate change, raise in sea levels, and most importantly a threat to the human race, and other life forms.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

EU Trade and Sustainable Development

EU Trade and Sustainable Development The society can develop if it has good plan for the future generation. The needs for today’s generation as well as the future generation are equally important. According to (Brande Happaerts 2011) sustainable development is the main agenda in global development in order to achieve economic growth.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on EU Trade and Sustainable Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Policies are of great importance and everybody should ensure that they follow them strictly. However, it is important to note that policies are not enough measures of ensuring sustainable development. The change of our thinking or approach in matters concerning the economy, which include production, consumption and social pattern, are important in ensuring sustainable development. â€Å"The social development and the ecological agendas are trumped by the economic development and they are very important in every na tion† (Pallemaerts Azmanova 2006). EU commission in the year 2009 adopted the 2009 review of EU SDS. According to this review, emphasis was that the EU had set up a wide range of policies for sustainable development. In particular, the review stated that the EU was very keen in the issue of climate change. This is the reason why the EU would take lead in the global struggle against climate change to set an example for the others to follow. The EU had also to take a leading role in the promotion and use of green energy or the establishment of low-carbon economy. As noted by Pallemaerts Azmanova (2006), protecting the environment was to be the key agenda in sustainable development, which was the first priority. Some unsustainable trends were persistent in many areas of the economy and therefore there was need to get solution to the situation. In December the year 2009, the European Council emphasized that, sustainable development remained as one of its main objective as in Lib son Treaty. The emphasis was that the 2009 review on sustainable development long-term vision would remain as its main objective.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The long-term policies were also to form the basis for the union’s strategies and policies. However, there were unsustainable trends of interest that needed urgent attention â€Å"Unsustainable trends still persist and the EU needs to intensify its efforts† (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2011), where the rating of the energy sector was the most affected by these trends. These unsustainable trends were termed as the main cause of change in climate and for this reason; there was need for drastic measures to combat climate change. Adapting to the effects of the change in climate was to be the first step followed by implementation of measures aiming at combating the change. Transport sect or was the one that consumed most energy and if people tackled the issue of the change in climate, then there was need to reduce consumption of energy in the sector. The problem of changing climate relates to the global loss of biomass currently experienced in the globe and this trend had to be reversed (Koutrakou 2004). There is no comparison between the future economy and today’s economy because the sustenance of future economy will be possible if it is low-input economy. The plan had to start in the present and for this reason trade in the EU had to be in line with the union’s development strategies. Priorities were important in the evaluation, monitoring and following up to ensure that the EU was a global example in implementing trade policies that were sustainable. References Brande, K Happaerts, K, 2011. Keeping sustainable development alive, The Broker, Available at: Advertising We will write a custom report sample on EU Trade and Sustainable Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Koutrakou, V, 2004, Contemporary issues and debates in the EU, Manchester University Press: Manchester. Pallemaerts, M Azmanova, A., 2006, The European Union and sustainable development: Internal and external dimensions, Asp / Vubpress / Upa: Brussels. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2011, Sustainability and the U.S. EPA. National Academic Press: Washington.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Rock N Roll in the 1950s essays

Rock N Roll in the 1950s essays Rock n Roll, characterized by it's pulsating drums, repetitive chord progressions, stepped up tempos, and loud guitars, provided. American teens of the 1950's the perfect excuse to dance crazy new dances, and wear wild new hairstyles. Thought only a fad, Rock n roll continued on to become one of the world's most popular and recognizable music forms. The explosive events of the mid-1950s first introduced the idea of rock 'n' roll to the world. It is the themes and artistic styles of that very special, very brief time, that spawned the movement, and that later artists have simply refined and redefined. The 1950s were rather safe and innocent, and rock 'n roll established a foundation for the ideals that youth could pursue in such an environment. When issues of race relations, war, sexuality, drugs, ecology, and world hunger arose in later years, rock 'n roll was forced, like every other ideology, to respond to them. Many of these concerns were of central importance to the kids who reared on in rock 'n roll as a lifestyle that only heightens the significance of their common response, as expressed in and through the music. Music in the 1950s lacked overriding social or political themes, but the energy, vitality, and originality of rock 'n roll is unmatched by almost everything that has come along since. In 1955, rock n roll was still just a vague notion, an alternative term for Rhythm n roll was a channel for young Americans to pour out their emotions. Through songs by artists such as Elvis Presley and Little Richard, teenagers were able to pinpoint their feelings. Among these songs arose a spirit of revolt-teenagers werent children anymore, they were nearly adults. Rock n roll songs gave t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Italian Definite Articles

Italian Definite Articles In English, the definite article (larticolo determinativo) has only one form: the. In Italian, on the other hand, l’articolo determinativo has different forms according to the gender, number, and even the first letter of the noun or adjective it precedes. It’s meant to indicate a precise, quantifiable object or person. This makes learning definite articles a bit more complicated, but once you know the structure, it’s relatively simple to get used to. il quaderno e la penna - the notebook and pen: In this example, the definite articles are â€Å"il† and â€Å"la.†i ragazzi e le ragazze - the boys and girls: In this example, the definite articles are â€Å"i† and â€Å"le.† Heres a table with the definite articles. Singular Plural Masculine il, lo, l i, gli Feminine la, l le Sometimes the articles can be tricky to pronounce (especially â€Å"gli†). When To Use  Definite Articles Here is a list of general rules for when to use definite articles. 1. Lo (pl. gli) is used before masculine nouns beginning with s consonant or z, like â€Å"lo zaino - the backpack† or â€Å"gli scoiattoli - the squirrels†. You will also see â€Å"lo† being used with masculine nouns that begin with â€Å"gn,† like â€Å"lo gnomo.† Here are some examples. lorologio- gli orologi watch- watcheslamico- gli amici friend- friends lo yoga   yogalo yogurt yogurtlo specchio- gli specchi mirror- mirrorslo stadio- gli stadi stadium- stadiumslo psicologo- gli psicologi psychologist- psychologistslo zero- gli zeri zero- zeros NOTE: there are a few exceptions: il dio- gli dà ¨i god- godsper lo meno at leastper lo pià ¹Ã‚  Ã‚  mostly 2. Il (pl. i) is used before masculine nouns beginning with all other consonants, like â€Å"il cibo - the food† or â€Å"i vestiti - the clothes.† 3. L’ (pl. gli) is used before masculine nouns beginning with a vowel, like â€Å"l’aeroporto - the airport,† 4. La (pl. le) is used before feminine nouns beginning with any consonant, like â€Å"la borsa - the purse† or â€Å"le scarpe - the shoes.† Here are some examples: la stazione- le stazioni train station- train stationsla zia- le zie aunt- auntslamica her friendlautomobile the car 5. L’ (pl. le) is used before feminine nouns beginning with a vowel, like â€Å"l’amica - the friend† or â€Å"le donne - the women.† The article agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies and is repeated before each noun. la Coca–Cola e l’aranciata - the Coke and orangeadegli italiani e i giapponesi - the Italians and the Japanesele zie e gli zii - the aunts and unclesle zie e il nonno - the aunts and the grandfather The first letter of the word immediately following the article determines the article’s form. Compare the following: il giorno (the day) → l’altro giorno (the other day)lo zio (the uncle) → il vecchio zio (the old uncle)i ragazzi (the boys) → gli stessi ragazzi (the same boys)l’amica (the girl  friend) → la nuova amica (the new girl friend) Tips When Using Definite Articles In Italian, the definite article must always be used before the name of a language, except when the verbs parlare (to speak) or studiare (to study) come before the name of the language; in those cases, its up to you whether you want to use it or not. Studio l’italiano. - I study Italian.Studio italiano e arabo. - I study Italian and Arabic.Parlo italiano. - I speak Italian.Parlo l’italiano e il russo. - I speak Italian and Russian.Parlo bene l’italiano. - I speak Italian well. The definite article is also used before the days of the week  to indicate a repeated, habitual activity. Domenica studio. - I’m studying on Sunday. → Marco non studia mai la domenica. - Marco never studies on Sundays.Il lunedà ¬ vado al cinema (ogni lunedà ¬). - On Mondays, I go to the movies.On Monday I go to the movies. (Every Monday)Cosa fai di solito il giovedà ¬? - What do you usually do on thursday evenings?Di solito vado a giocare a carte con i miei nonni -   On thursday, usually I go and play cards with my grandparents. Finally, another common situation where the definite article is used is with telling the time. Notice here though that the article is combined with a preposition making something called an articulated preposition. Mi sono svegliato all’una. - I woke up at one.Vado a scuola alle dieci. - I’m going to school at ten. You can use it to indicate a category or a species in a generic sense: Il cane à ¨ il miglior amico delluomo (tutti i cani). - Dog is mans best friend (all dogs).Luomo à ¨ dotato di ragione. - Man is endowed with reason. (To talk about â€Å"every man†) Or to indicate a particular thing or an object: Hai visto il film? (quel film) - Have you seen the movie? (that movie)Hai visto il professore? - Have you seen the professor?Mi hanno rubato il portafogli. - They stole my wallet.Non trovo pià ¹ le scarpe. - I can’t find my shoes. You’ll also want to use it when preceding possessive pronouns: Lauto di Carlo à ¨ nuova, la mia no. - Charless car is new, but mine isnt. Or with geographical destinations, like: continents: lEuropacountries: lItaliaregions: la Toscanalarge islands: la Siciliaoceans: il Mediterraneolakes: il Gardarivers: il Pomountains: il Cervino (the Matterhorn) And finally, with parts of the body: Mi fa male la testa.- My head hurts. Definite Articles with Names Use definite articles with the last names of famous female celebrities: la Garbola Loren With all surnames in the plural: i Verrigli Strozzi With nicknames and pseudonyms: il Barbarossail Grisoil Canalettoil Caravaggio With proper names used without any specification: Mario but: il signor Mario With the last names of famous or well-known male characters, if not preceded by an adjective or title: Mozart but: il grande Mozart NOTE: There are instances in which the definite article is used, especially when referring to Italian writers: il Petrarcail Manzoni

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Beowulf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Beowulf - Essay Example The hall was the place where his warriors had fun while drinking mead. In the same hall, the king gave his warriors treasures after every battle. The hall was a center for listening to music and singing songs which theme was bravery and the heroic adventures that brave people get through. Therefore, the hall was a good place to experience all the joys. However, a monster that lived in the nearby started attacks in the hall built by the king. Grendel was the name of the monster and he was extremely brutal in his actions. According to Heaney, once at night Grendel went to the hall and attacked the people who were there. Now all the warriors in the hall were asleep at the time of the attack. The monster butchered around thirty of the men who were in the hall. King Hrothgar was overwhelmed because of the pain and sorrow of losing his people. Scyldings had the same experience as their king. However, it was hard to do anything at that time to overcome the situation that had just occurred. The following night, the monster came back to the hall again and killed again. Despite the efforts that the Scyldings applied to overcome the monster, nothing worked and they did not achieve their objective. The monster was resistant to the weapons used to harm it. None of the weapons harmed Grendel. He was too strong and resistant to be defeated. Scyldings thought of seeking help from gods but the monster remained strong and undefeatable. The monster continued its attacks in the hall and harming all those in the hall. Warriors tried to defend the others but they ended up being slayed. It reached a point that Scyldings started avoiding fighting and at the end, they started abandoning the hall every now and then. However, Grendel continued expanding attacks from the hall to the areas around the hall by causing terrors to the Danes for about twelve years. Stories told about what was happening in the kingdom of Hrothgar spread like fire in the bush. The news about the horrifying creatu re in Hrothgar’s kingdom reached Southwest Sweden that was the Geats’ Kingdom. (Heaney 18). When Beowulf heard the news, concerning Hrothgars’s Kingdom and the dilemma that the king of the kingdom had, Bewoulf remembered that King Hrothgar was a good person to his father because he did a favor for him once. Beowulf felt that he had a debt to either pay to the king of Danes through finding a solution to the dilemma that the king had or take the challenge to get rid of Grendel. He decided to take challenge and fight against the monster. He planned a journey to Denmark for fighting Grendel. No one could stop Beowulf or prevent him from going to Denmark to accomplish his endeavor of helping King Hrothgar overcome the monster (Collins 200). Beowulf was a young man by then but determined to win over the monster. He searched for fourteen warriors who he regarded them as worthy to accompany him. They assembled and started their journey to Denmark by sailing. When they a rrived at the magnificent hall, they made a petition to meet King Hrothgar. Inside the hall, Beowulf made a request in a speech that he wanted an honor to fight against the horrifying and terrifying monster, Grendel. He promised that he was willing to fight the monster using his bear hands without using any weapon or a shield. Honoring of the request was in form of a feast by the king. One of the Scyldings by the name

Why the americans understand the equality of the sexes Essay

Why the americans understand the equality of the sexes - Essay Example The Americans have applied to the principle of political economy. This governs the division of duties of man from those of women, to enable the work of the society to be effectively carried on. The status of American women has been uplifted to a level not to manage the concerns of the family. On the other hand, they are compelled from doing hard tasks to the family. They are considered to be exempted from duties that would require the use of physical strength. Americans have a belief that those areas that require the use of physical effort is entrusted to the family head, which in this case is the man. They have gone further to implement penalties within the legal framework to favor women. For instance, rape has been made a capital offence. This has been done with an intention of imposing more power to women than men. It is also rare to find American women with stable jobs rushing back home in the evening to prepare meals for their husbands. Instead, men would take the responsibility of doing the tasks by themselves. American women have got a sense of self interdependence making them to own a lot of respect (de Tocquevill

Friday, October 18, 2019

High Profile Interest Group influence on legislation Essay

High Profile Interest Group influence on legislation - Essay Example Citizen interest groups, on the other hand, with their considerable organizational resources and wide base of support have shown their effectiveness over time in passing new laws by the use of direct legislation (Baumgartner & Hojnacki, 2009). In the United States, for example, alcohol and tobacco companies have been lobbying against the legalization and taxation of marijuana. This is in a bid to ensure that they make the most out of the American population’s high spending on leisure. This paper will discuss how one such high profile interest group, the California Beer & Beverage Distributors has influence legislation and also include the writer’s thoughts and opinion. Interest groups are a significant mechanism for citizens and economic organizations to make elected leaders know their views, needs and ideas so that they can influence the process of making legislation in their favour (Hays, 2001). The California Beer & Beverage Distributors (CBBD) opened up a new front in the campaign of what was referred to as Proposition 19 when it contributed $10,000 to a committee, Public Safety first, that was in opposition to the proposition. The proposition aimed at legalizing and subsequent taxing of controlled marijuana. Since CBBD is a organization in an industry that would have to compete with legal marijuana, it was protecting the interests of its members by lobbying against the legalization. Illicit drugs have been a threat to the alcohol and tobacco industries for a long time, hence the participation of CBBD in opposing the proposal. If marijuana is made legal for recreational purposes, then that would make the threat much bigger. Looking at the situ ation from this perspective, my opinion is that CBBD did not join the campaign solely, or with focus on, the safety of the public that would be compromised by marijuana. On the contrary, when the

Job Description Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job Description Paper - Essay Example Undoubtedly, job descriptions are very essential for most individuals in the workplace since they define an individual’s role and accountability. This paper presents a human resource manager job description covering the key tasks of this position, tools and technology, knowledge, skills and abilities, and education requirements. It also describes two selection methods used to recruit qualified candidates and explaining why these methods would be most appropriate. The main purpose of a human resource manager is to maintain and enhance the organization’s human resources by planning, implementing and analyze employee relations among others. The position of human resource manager is charged with various tasks such as recruiting and selecting new applicants to occupy vacant posts in the organization so as to maintain the staff. Secondly, human resource manager is responsible for planning, developing and implementing strategies for human resource management including recruitment and selection practices, motivation of employees, and performance appraisals among others. In addition, HR manager need to ensure that all employees have been fully prepared to perform duties assigned to them effectively and this is possible through orientation and training programs. Human resource manager critically evaluates the information provided about workers’ salary, and control compensation and other benefits for all workers (Mathis and Jackson, 2008) . Tools and technology required in this occupation include desktop and personal computers, scanners, and surveillance video or audio recorders. Technologies needed are accounting software, human resources software, and document management software among others. Human resource managers need to acquire certain skills and abilities such as hiring and coaching skills; the ability to benefit the administration and manage employee performance at work. More so, human resource manager

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Start Up Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Start Up - Assignment Example The person can also choose when to work and not to work when he is not highly motivated. This will give the person t produce high quality output. Working alone and being self-employed means being in control of all the decisions that has to make. The person gets to decide on his own business plan, his own quality assurance activities, pricing and marketing methods. At the sae time, there is a 100% job security; the person will never get fired. People usually do what they want to do unless they are otherwise motivated. They must be motivated by themselves or by an external stimulus. Motivation is, in effect, inducing others in a specific way towards goals specifically stated by the motivator. In an organization these goals, as the motivation system, must conform to the corporate policy of the organization. The motivational system must be tailored to fit the needs of the organization. Joining the world of the self-employed is very risky. Considering the freedom to choose how much time and when to work, who to work with, low operating cost, no hassle in beating the office hours, if everything goes well, earning more money is very possible without working for someone else, it is worth the risk. 2. Skills Required Entrepreneurship is a term in business that is always mistaken as something synonymous with small business. Basically, a businessman cannot be considered as an entrepreneur just by initiating the business, but rather by having a behaviour pattern that concentrates on opportunity rather than resources (Drucker, 2002). This behaviour can be applied in either small or corporate businesses, by any manager or leader. It can be said that referring entrepreneur as an individual who creates a business literally is incomplete, as the term also signifies most importantly a pattern of behaviour and attitude, and not just the tangible sole proprietor of the organization or the business. Churchill (1992) defined it "as the process of uncovering and developing opportunity to create value through innovation and seizing the opportunity without regard to either resources (human or capital) or the location of the entrepreneur - in a new or existing company" (p.586). Hofstede (1997) stated the definition of entrepreneurship in other terms, referring it as "a process that takes place in different environments and settings which causes changes in the economic system through innovations brought about by individuals who generate or respond to economic opportunities that create value for both those individuals and society" (p.352). In other words, it is considered as individual or organizational level phenomena, or the experience of continuously searching for growth through improvement and innovation. The entrepreneur must possess typical characteristics such as: the ability to take risks; innovativeness; knowledge on how the market functions; manufacturing know-how; marketing skills; business management skills; interpersonal skills, organizational skills (that I already have ) and the ability to cooperate (Buheiry, 1989). Possessed with such characteristics, entrepreneurs have shaped literally the economic condition of the world as we see it. They are the ones who are

The History of Management Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The History of Management Theory - Research Paper Example The classical school of management outlined the scientific management principles and suggested to use scientific methods to deal with the problems of handling assembly lines. More emphasis was placed on achieving specialization so that productivity can be improved. The Human Relations School however, attempted to add more dimensions to the management and suggested the psychological dimensions of the management also. (Roth, 1994) The open system school attempted to reconcile the differences of classical and human relations school and provided a system approach to view organizations as a complete system with humans operating as one part of the whole system. The social action school has also put forward the arguments of viewing the employees as individuals having their own interests and goals. The social action school of management is one of the latest advancements in the theory of management. Comparison and Contrast between Classical and Human Relations School Classical School of Manag ement is considered as the oldest school of management and it started with the advent of industrial revolution in developed countries. ... however, refused under the human relations school wherein it was outlined that organization is not just a mechanical thing with employees working like mechanical objects. Employees being the humans also possess feelings and have their social needs and it is the responsibility of the management to actually account for such social needs of the employees. My current organization, considering employees having social needs and responsibilities, tend to provide different facilities such as leaves, bonuses, paid vacations etc which actually help employees to free themselves from the stress of work and to become more productive in nature. This also serves as the source of intrinsic motivation for most of the employees as it outlines that the organization is taking care of the needs of the employees and employees feel the part of the organization. Work is also delegated to the employees and there is more need to develop employees which can perform multiple tasks. There is therefore a clear di version from the principles of scientific management which advocates for the specialization of the tasks whereas my current organization focuses on developing the capabilities of the employees in different areas of the work so that can better perform for the overall organization level. Scientific management also advocated the use of things like following best practices, complying with the policies and manuals of the company. This view has been held till now also wherein management still believes that employees work as economic agents with their own self-directed interests to achieve monetary gains. In order to provide such monetary gains to the employees, management must force them to comply with their policies and manuals. Though human relations movement did not negated this position but

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Start Up Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Start Up - Assignment Example The person can also choose when to work and not to work when he is not highly motivated. This will give the person t produce high quality output. Working alone and being self-employed means being in control of all the decisions that has to make. The person gets to decide on his own business plan, his own quality assurance activities, pricing and marketing methods. At the sae time, there is a 100% job security; the person will never get fired. People usually do what they want to do unless they are otherwise motivated. They must be motivated by themselves or by an external stimulus. Motivation is, in effect, inducing others in a specific way towards goals specifically stated by the motivator. In an organization these goals, as the motivation system, must conform to the corporate policy of the organization. The motivational system must be tailored to fit the needs of the organization. Joining the world of the self-employed is very risky. Considering the freedom to choose how much time and when to work, who to work with, low operating cost, no hassle in beating the office hours, if everything goes well, earning more money is very possible without working for someone else, it is worth the risk. 2. Skills Required Entrepreneurship is a term in business that is always mistaken as something synonymous with small business. Basically, a businessman cannot be considered as an entrepreneur just by initiating the business, but rather by having a behaviour pattern that concentrates on opportunity rather than resources (Drucker, 2002). This behaviour can be applied in either small or corporate businesses, by any manager or leader. It can be said that referring entrepreneur as an individual who creates a business literally is incomplete, as the term also signifies most importantly a pattern of behaviour and attitude, and not just the tangible sole proprietor of the organization or the business. Churchill (1992) defined it "as the process of uncovering and developing opportunity to create value through innovation and seizing the opportunity without regard to either resources (human or capital) or the location of the entrepreneur - in a new or existing company" (p.586). Hofstede (1997) stated the definition of entrepreneurship in other terms, referring it as "a process that takes place in different environments and settings which causes changes in the economic system through innovations brought about by individuals who generate or respond to economic opportunities that create value for both those individuals and society" (p.352). In other words, it is considered as individual or organizational level phenomena, or the experience of continuously searching for growth through improvement and innovation. The entrepreneur must possess typical characteristics such as: the ability to take risks; innovativeness; knowledge on how the market functions; manufacturing know-how; marketing skills; business management skills; interpersonal skills, organizational skills (that I already have ) and the ability to cooperate (Buheiry, 1989). Possessed with such characteristics, entrepreneurs have shaped literally the economic condition of the world as we see it. They are the ones who are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chador on Muslim Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chador on Muslim Women - Essay Example A chador is a loose robe that is worn like an open cloak by Muslim women, as stated in the Definition of Chador. Although most people associate the wearing of chador with Iranian women, it is deemed that chador is also worn by Muslim women in other parts of the Middle East like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Typically, a chador is worn with hijab, a headscarf which is intended to cover the wearer’s hair, throat, and neck, as claimed in an online article entitled Chador. However, a chador does not necessarily have to include a facial veil. In terms of wearing the chador, women pull it over their heads, clasping it shut in front and swathing their bodies in the fabric, as discussed in an online article called What is a Chador?. This is made possible because the chador is cut in the shape of an open half-circle. A well-worn chador is able to cover everything but the hands, feet, and face of the woman, with hijab giving extra support by covering the face—all of these to ensure t hat nothing indiscreet will be revealed. It is interesting to point out that some highly traditional women wear chador with a riband.The underneath clothing depends upon the taste of the wearer. Although there were certain points in Muslim history in which Iranian women wore daring outfits as an expression of their outrage against the manipulative government, the majority of the Muslim women like wearing the chador with a modest clothing underneath in order to highlight their expression of piety, their matter of taste, or just plain personal comfort.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance of Reading Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Reading Essay Reading is a necessity for some people and a hobby for others, but either way it is something that we start to take for granted as adults, forgetting that there was once a time when we couldnt read. The sad fact is that for many adults, this is still the case. They lose out on the joys and the benefits of being able to read, and quite often it stems from lack of commitment and time from the parents during childhood. In the Gulf countries alone there are approximetly 7. 5 million people who are illiterate (those aged 15 years or above who can not read or write). There are a great many reasons why reading with your child is so important. Of course, it is the sort of activity that will help you to bond with the child as well as help to form your childs imagination. But there are so many additional important factors ? ones that could help to shape the life of your child. Reading is the fundamental foundation required by children on which to base all learning. Without the ability to read effectively, every other subject taught at school is going to be difficult or impossible to grasp. Learning to read is no easy task for some children, and the most crucial years in terms of literacy development are from birth to the age of around eight. Taking the time to read with your pre-school child will help to really lay the foundations for success. Your child will start to recognise words, ask questions, and develop an interest as well as an eye for reading. Your child will start to make relevant connections between the words and their meanings. With your help, your child can enjoy the learning process, benefit from a firm foundation in literacy, and will be fully equipped to succeed when he or she starts school. Of course, you will need to change the methods you use to help with your childs reading as he or she grows older. As an infant, bright colours and noises are going to be attractive to your child. There are many interactive books available for infants to day, such as farm animal books with noises. Your infant will love helping you to press the button and then watching as you point out which animal the noise relates to. And pretty soon, your child will be doing it alone. Already, your child will have started associating sounds, words and pictures. As a toddler, your child will enjoy bedtime stories, and you can choose from a wide range of magical and colourful story books which will keep your toddler enthralled. You will find that you child develops an interest in pointing out pictures as you read, as well as wanting to try and read alone. If the story is one that you read regularly, you will be surprised at how the child will almost memorise that comes next, and may sometime jump in before you have a chance to finish the sentence. A couple of years on, and your child will be eager to start reading alone. You can encourage this by reading the first part of sentences in a book from which you have regularly read bedtime stories. You can then pass the book to your child to try and finish the sentence. A great deal of this may be done from memory, but the child will also be looking at the words, thus learning to associate the words with the story. Fun activities like picture games or stories with colouring in sections can also help to develop your childs interest at this age. Learning to read does not stem from learning the alphabet, which is a common misconception. A good reading foundation comes from interaction with a parent, who is able to make the art of reading and telling stories fun and magical for a child.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Features of C++ in programming

Features of C++ in programming Ans1. Unique features of C++ : Encapsulation: It is the process of combining data and functions into a single unit called class. Using the method of encapsulation, the programmer cannot directly access the data rather data is accessible through the functions present inside the class. It led to the important concept of data hiding. Abstraction: It is one of the most powerful and vital features provided by object-oriented C++ programming language. The main idea behind data abstraction is to give a clear separation between properties of datatype and the associated implementation details. Polymorphism: It is the ability to use an operator or function in different ways. Poly, referring to many uses of these operators and functions. A single function usage or an operator functioning in many ways can be called polymorphism. Inheritance: It is the process by which new classes called derived classes are created from existing classes called base classes. The derived classes have all the features of the base class and the programmer can choose to add new features specific to the newly created derived classes. C++ better than C: Stronger typing: the type system in C++ is stronger than in C. This prevents many common programming errors coupled with the next very important feature, the stronger type system even manages not be an inconvenience. A Bigger standard library: C++ allows the full use of the standard library. It includes the Standard Template Library. Parameterized types: the template keyword allows the programmer to write generic implementations of algorithms. Data and methods to edit the data act as one entity i.e. by the usage of classes. Limiting scope of data i.e. by using private/public variables. Constructors and destructors for defining default behaviour of entities. Ques2. Demonstrate the use of Inline Functions and Function Overloading. Ans2. An Inline function is a function that is expanded in line when it is invoked. This kind of function is used to save the memory space which becomes appreciable when a function is likely to be called a number of times. It is used to eliminate the cost of calls to small functions. Normally, a function call transfers the control from the calling program to the function and after the execution of the program returns the control back to the calling program after the function call but in inline function, when the program is compiled, the code present in the function body is replaced in place of the function call. Syntax: inline datatype function_name(arguments) { function body } Example: #include #include inline float mul(float x, float y) { return (x*y); } inline double div(double p, double q) { return (p/q); } int main() { clrscr(); float a= 12.345; float b= 9.82; cout

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Global Information Infrastructure Essay -- Economy Information Papers

Global Information Infrastructure Introduction Regardless of a nation’s level of economic development; political, economic and social structure; and language and culture they are all seeking to develop and improve the quality of life of their citizens. At present, the industrialized countries have an overwhelming lead in development over most developing nations. However, modern information and communication technologies offer a significant window of opportunity for developing countries to accelerate their development in all spheres of economic and social activity and to narrow the gap between countries. The world stands today on the threshold of a Global Information Society. This position has been arrived at through the truly remarkable advances that have been made in recent years in the development of ICT as well as the construction and development of national and global information infrastructure. Through these developments it is now both technically and economically feasible to bring modern information and communications technologies to any part of the entire world. Equally as important, people around the world, including those in developing countries, are increasingly demanding access to the emerging global information network. Hence, communities in Mexico, for example, have installed personal computers and built microwave towers to communicate with the rest of the world, allowing school children to interact with other students all over the world and keeping farmers apprised of both local and world crop prices. Also, India launched a programme to link its biggest cities with a n ationwide network that will facilitate the dissemination of government information and provide an infrastructure for commercial applicatio... to Content: A Pilot Comparative Study. Paris: UNESCO, September 1997 (CII-97/WS/8). Financial Times. Monday, July 10, 1998. Gore, Al and Ronald H. Brown. The Global Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Cooperation, Washington, D.C.: United States Government, 1995. The New York Times. Monday, January 20, 1997. d’Orville Hans. Technology Revolution Study: Communication and Knowledge-based Technologies for Sustainable Human Development. Report to the assistant administrator and Director, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS). New York: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 30 April 1996 UNESCO, UNESCO and an Information Society for All; A Position Paper, Paris: UNESCO, May 1996 (CII-96/WS/4). UNESCO, Information and Communication Technologies in Development: A UNESCO Perspective. Paris: UNESCO, December 1996 (CII-96/WS/6).

Friday, October 11, 2019

My Unforgettable Experience with My Family Essay

This was the moment when we were down, helpless, and totally disappointed after we tried hard to earn a name for our family. This was the moment when my mother and other members of the family tried to console my father to be calm and not to be desperate at all. We advised him also to be positive in everything he does and always believe that there is always sunshine after the rain. This was also the moment of struggling, in search for truth and justice and how we were able to surpass with all our trials in life. It all started when my father was relieved from his post, as the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer (PENRO) of Rizal without any case filed against him. Later on, he knew that the cause of his relief was that he issued patents to the lowly farmers in Tanay, Rizal who since time immemorial have already acquired vested rights over the disputed area. The disputed area was the area targetted by some high ranking officials in the Office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to have the area reserved for housing site. This area was given to the developer for free to develop the area for housing site for DENR employees without taking into consideration the flight of the actual occupants who actually reside thereon for a living. It turned out that the Presidential Proclamation reserving the said area for housing site was not approved and signed by the former President Gloria M. Arroyo for a simple reason that there was earlier an area reserved for housing site of DENR employees totalling to 130 hectares and the DENR under the leadership of Lito Atienza wanted more to expand the area for another 175 hectares but prior to their project, there are already actual occupants on the disputed area who actually occupied, possessed and cultivated the land in the concept of ownership since time immemorial. That’s why patents were issued in their favors. After constructing some housing units in Phase I of their project (covered by Presidential Proclamation), the result was that the DENR employees cannot afford to pay the purchase prize, so, these units were sold to some movie celebrities and elite group who can afford to pay the high cost of the housing units. Later on, a case was filed against my father in the office of the Ombudsman and right away my father was suspended for three months without pay for issuing patents to the lowly farmers of Tanay, Rizal. My father was ordered to answer the charges against him. So, what he did is to first conduct research work on related laws and jurispudence concerning land disposition, Then, he prepared an answer and all his acts were vindicated because the Office of the Ombudsman recognized the lawful rights of the lowly farmers over the disputed area. Right away, a decision was rendered and my father was ordered for reinstatement and his back salaries were paid, but he was only ordered to report in the Regional Office without any assignment. Because of too much stress, and not accustomed of just reporting to the Regional Office without assignnment, he became sick and the doctor advised him to take a complete rest. At this point, he was not able to file a leave of absence for three months. When he returned for work, he immediately filed a leave of absence and accomplished his daily time record for the signature of the Regional Executive Director (RED) of Region IV-A, CALABARZON but to his surprise, the RED did not like to sign his daily time record, instead an order was served to him, dropping him from the rolls and all his benefits were forfeited as civil service employee. According to my father, that very moment, he cannot express his feelings. The thought of being separated from the service, he felt that all his dreams were shuttered after serving the DENR for forty years. To him, he rose from the ranks up to the point he reached the level of being the Regional Technical Director of Region IV-A, CALABARZON way back 1998 up to year 2004. He was a scholar then in some European and Asian Countries where he was sent to take further studies concerning Land Adminstration and Management. During his early time, he became a scholar at the University of the Philippines taking up advanced courses in Economics. He tried to talk to the RED if he can set aside the order dropping him from the rolls, but the RED was so firm in his decision. My father felt that his constitutional rights were violated, that he was unjustly treated by the higher management. That he was not given fair chance to explain his side and that letters were not sent to him for explanation. To top it all, no administrative measures were exhausted to determine the possible cause of his absences. Again, my father got sick, he was physically and mentally disturbed. He felt he was in great shame as he was morally degraded by the sweeping act of the RED. At this point, my mother and the rest of the family tried to console him. We hired a lawyer through the help of our relatives and friends because my father at that time had no more salary. We tried to make things possible to make both ends meet. My father through his lawyer made a research work and they found out that the RED has no authority to drop employees with salary grade of 24 and above. That it’s only the Secretary of the DENR who has the sole authority to do so. It means to say that there was a great negligence on his part as he has no authority to drop my father from the rolls, and maybe because he did not conduct further research on the matter. My father was advised by his lawyer and friends to file a case to the RED for his ignorance and the damage he had caused to destroy the career of my father. So, right away he adhered to the advice of his lawyers and he filed an administrative case in the DENR against the RED and even elevated the case to the Office of the President, Malacanang, Manila who maliciously and intentionally dropped him from the rolls. While waiting for the outcome of the decision, my family do the daily habits of praying the rosary, begging to help my father in his search for truth and justice. My family and friends went out of their way to distribute some brochures and leaflets, depicting of what had happened to him during his stay in the DENR. These reading materials were distributed in his hometown, in churches, in colleges and universities and other social occassions to let the readers understand about his journey in the DENR, that he was badly put to shame and morally degraded after he had dedicated his entire life to the cause of public service. At times, he accepted some invitations as speaker in some public hearings and symposia that concern Proper Disposal and Waste Management, Clean and Green, Handog Titulo Program and the Management and Conservation of Rivers, Creeks, Lakes including Manila Bay. It goes to say that my father did not stop his good work even he was already separated from the service. While fighting for justice, he was still doing public service to the people in our place and in his hometown Tanauan, Batangas. He had a positive outlook in life by not just staying idle. I think this was his way of unwinding himself from the problems he was facing. He was so civil in addressing his problems and did not stop believing that he can do it. A lot of his friends sympathized him and he was admired for his courage and enthusiasm to fight the management. Others felt that he was totally helpless and even believed that he cannot anymore be reinstated. According to my father, there are others in the organization who are committing blunder, worst than ever compared from his situation, and they ought to be punished under the law because of their ill doings concerning graft and corruption and they became rich at the expense of others. On my part, I felt and experienced all the adjustments in life because I’m still studying and my only hope was my mother. She was the only one who can be reached for my expenses in school. There were complete changes in the way of spending. We simply lived and spent within the reach of my mother’s earnings, who is also working in the DENR. We tried everything to make things possible. It was really a period of adjustment and struggles. I could not imagine how I was able to survive to make things smooth for me. I think, it was all in the mind. I told my father that maybe we may not have everything but at least we do not have nothing. Try to reach for someone and it was the Lord who can help us for all the miseries we have. It is true, that the only weapon to combat all misfortunes, is prayer. It is only through calling the Lord that we can rebuild our strength and compose ourselves to meet the challenges in life. Maybe, we have to be strong and firm to find ways what is best for us. My mother and the rest of the family did not stop praying the rosary and we tried to call the Lord to help my father in his journey for justice. After nine months of waiting, my father was called by the Secretary of the DENR, Forester Ramon Paje. My father had a confidential talk with him and he explained his side that during that time, the RED committed a great mistake to drop him from the rolls since the latter has no jurisdiction and/or authority to do so. It is only the Secretary of the DENR who has the authority to drop him from the rolls. According to the DENR Secretary, the act of the RED is so inhuman and he abused his power to destroy my father’s career. After what had transpired between my father and the DENR Secretary, a decision was rendered, resinstating my father in the service and all his back salaries were paid. The RED was immediately transferred to other region, as punishment for the mistake he has committed. The retirement of my father is fast approaching and he wants to leave the organization with a good name. In due time, he will harvest the fruits of his labor, and I told him to try to be cool always and forget the bad experiences he had during his encounter with the RED. I said to him to enjoy life, and be positive in all his directions for the Lord is just beside him to bless him in all his work. At present, he is now ordered by the DENR Secretary to assist Congressman Sonny Collantes in some DENR programs and projects in Tanauan, Batangas that can uplift the socio-economic condition of the people in the countryside. Now, my father believes that it is only through constant prayers that he can be totally healed. Never stopped calling the Lord for he is our redeemer and he believes that he is nothing without the Lord for He can make things possible for everyone, especially during our trials in life.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Peter Stark Essay

Summary of Stark’s article Peter Stark’s article As Freezing Persons Recollect The Snow—First Chill—Then Stupor—Then The Letting go: the cold hard facts of freezing to death talks and explains what happens to the human body when a person is freezing to death but it also gives an enjoyable story for the reader. The character in this story is in his way to a friend’s house for dinner and night cross country ski when his jeep slides off the road and gets stuck in a snow bank. Stark made it clear that his character was not panicked at first but just simply worried about missing the dinner with his friends. Not wanting to miss his plans the character puts his skis on, looks at the map, and heads to the cabin on top of the hill. While this story is unfolding Stark includes scientific data about the lowest core temperature a human can have before perishing. The character wants to save time by going up the steep hill instead of following the road that has many switch backs this is wh en everything starts to go wrong. The character goes for about an hour with no sign of the road, while assessing the map he hears a metallic pop and a piece of his binding has popped out. The character is trying to find the piece of his binding and while he does this his body temperature begins to lower after finding the piece his core temperature has lowered a substantial amount. The character has now started to panic and decides to go back to the jeep and its warmth on his way down he falls and lands pretty hard and he is feeling very tired so decides to rest. The rest of the story goes on with him losing and gaining conciseness but his body is too weak to get up and move on and more data about core temperatures and hypothermia. The friends find the character in the snow half naked but he isn’t dead he has a faint heart beat so they take him to the hospital and the doctor brings up his core temperature. The character survives. Stark, Peter.â€Å"As Freezing Persons Recollect The Snow—First Chill†”Then Stupor—Then The Letting go: the cold hard facts of freezing to death†. Outside magazine. Outside online. January 1997.web 26.aug. 2010

Different Temperament Types

I have wondered how knowing my temperament will help me in my personal life? I wonder why I do certain things, and react the way that I do. I believe the results of this temperament study will give me insight into some of those â€Å"whys†. This study with the four different temperament types will give an underlying reason for my behaviors. I will try to use this information to not use the negative behaviors, which arise from my particular temperament type. When I took the personality test in the Temperament Sorter I was classified as a Guardian. This trait is characterized by strong managerial and organizational skills, dependability and seriousness, being down-to-earth and conservative. The Keirsey website describes Guardians as the â€Å"cornerstone of society† and claims that they make up 40 to 45 percent of the population. It highlights that the greatest strength in the Guardian trait is my logistical intelligence. It further mentions that, my personality dictates that when given an important choice between two methods, I will choose the one I am more familiar with rather than something new (the experience over experimentation principle). An example is when I want to take my children for an outing, while a new place will bring more excitement and a newer learning experience; I tend to choose the places I am more familiar with. I am very cautious about change, and realizing this I will make a strong effort to allow myself to venture out more and in doing so bring more exciting experiences to the lives of my children as well. Another significant behavior is related to my temperament’s respect for rules and authority. Thus, when my 11 year old son made his own Halloween decorations which tend to be rather scary for other neighbors, and I got some rather unkind comments, I immediately explained this to my son, and made an effort to remove the scary decorations and place them inside the house, and only let the more happy Halloween decorations remain. Realizing my strong belief in rules, I will further ensure that what is asked of me and my children is also fair in our viewpoint. Also, since Guardians are very serious about their duties and responsibilities the third important behavior that can be said about me is my need to complete a task when called upon. Thus during my daughters fund raiser at school, even though I was asked to do many last minute requests, because I knew this is important for her school, I tried to get things done to the best of my ability, even though I placed a huge stress upon myself. Lastly my need to follow schedules, and deadlines that is often a great trait in organizations at home can often lead to friction. It is very important for me to realize this drawback, and allow more flexibility. I believe if I can do this, I will help myself, and my family be more relaxed. As my mother always says â€Å"what will happen if your son doesn’t finish his homework, Friday night, he can do it Saturday or Sunday, and still feel he has had some freedom! 2 After reading my temperament, I think many of the traits of a Guardian are similar to what would be considered a good teacher. For example, Guardians will usually abide by the rules and respect authority. This characteristic sets a good example for the students. A teacher should always adopt a fair attitude, when it comes to making any form of evaluation, and must always be fair in their profession and while assessing students on their performance, instead of personal rapports and likings. One of the main characteristics of Guardians is that they always want fairness. Guardians tend to find satisfaction in doing work that involves detail; a good teacher should be meticulous and have an eye for detail. In fact, a disorganized person would find teaching unsuitable and unfulfilling. Well thought-out plans and programs for teaching will assist the productivity of a teacher. This temperament is always concerned about the welfare of people and will look after the physical needs of others, which is ideal in a teaching situation. Guardians expect to be held accountable and to take responsibility. They happily shoulder the load that they know needs to be done. A teacher should be dedicated towards their work. They should not kill time in the classroom and wait for the school bell to ring. Instead, taking out time and going the extra mile for the students is what makes an ideal teacher. A good teacher must have good time management skills and always value the importance of time, this will help the students to get organized and further enhance their learning by them learning to better manage their time. Guardians can have a lot of fun, but are quite serious about their duties responsibilities. A teacher who can have fun with their students, yet to remain serious about responsibilities so the students can both relax and enjoy the teacher, yet also have respect is a hallmark of a great teacher! 3 Research shows that shows that goodness of fit between your child's temperament and your parenting style is important for healthy social and emotional development. Differences in child temperament require differences in parental handling to achieve a good fit. For this to occur after reading my temperament I have to match My demands or expectations with what my child is able to do, given my child's temperament, age and abilities. I would now start by learning about my child's temperament as well. If I can understand my child's temperament then I can plan ahead to prevent potential problems. If I can learn about their difficulties, then I could use strategies to make the specific situation easier for everyone. For example as a Guardian I believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. My son as a Rational disregards any authority or customary procedure that wastes time and resources! I have tried to convey this message to him by teaching him why rules are important, and giving him specific examples, versus simply asking him to obey the rules and not be allowed to question me in any form. Because as a rational he trusts logic, and needs to understand why these rules are necessary. My daughter on the other hand is a Guardian like myself, and because she prefers sameness, I take my time introducing new things to her. For example when I take her to a new class, if I simply ask her to go and join in, and walk away, it will end badly. I have tried many different activities with her, and if I sit with her and give her time to explore to become comfortable, she is always happy, and engages beautifully. Considering the vast differences between our temperaments, and all the strengths and weaknesses we possess, it is important to learn how each temperament type will interact with each other and hopefully combine traits to bring about â€Å"goodness of fit†.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Law for Accounting assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Law for Accounting assignment - Essay Example Formation of Contract is based on firstly, an ‘offer’, which must be followed by an acceptance. Secondly, there must be consideration, intention to create legal relations and sufficient certainty. The main starting point for the conclusion of a contract can be found in Smith v Hughes1, where both a subjective as well as objective test was laid down in order to determine the existence of a contract. The subjective test determines the actual intention of the contracting parties, whereas the objective test ascertains what had been said by the parties, what they did and not and what their actual intention of saying or doing was. As per Professor Atiyah, the issue of offer and acceptance has been determined by courts in two ways, that is ‘reason forwards’ and ‘reason backwards’, the former is where existence of offer and acceptance are determined first and then the conclusion on the dispute is made; the latter is where the courts can reason from the appropriate solution back to the legal concepts of offer and acceptance. An offer has been defined as an expression of willingness by one party known as the offeror, to contract or be bound on stated terms, provided that such terms are accepted by the party to whom the offer is made that is the offeree. The courts have drawn a distinction between an offer and an invitation to treat, as the latter is merely an expression of willingness by one party to enter into negotiations and is not unconditional and there is a lack of intention to create legal relations. The most important and land mark cases which distinguished between an offer and invitation to treat are of Gibson v Manchester City Council2 and Storer v Manchester City Council3. In Gibson, where treasurer had sent a letter to Mr. Gibson, stating that council may be prepared to sell the house, was held to be an invitation to treat, which was further confirmed by the fact that Mr. Gibson was asked to make a formal application to purchase the house. The courts therefore took into account the correspondence between the parties. However, in Storer the courts found that a contract had come into existence as negotiations had moved beyond what had happened in Gibson but an exchange of contracts had not taken place. These cases clearly point out that fact that judges can interpret and differ in the results and so the decision would be said to be based on its own facts. An offer should be differentiated from a mere statement of price that is an enquiry as to the price. (Harvey v. Facey)4 Invitation to treat has been defined as an expression of willingness of a party to enter into negotiations with another with the hope that a contract would be reached at the end of such negotiations. (Fisher v Bell)5. As for advertisements, it has been strictly said to be an invitation to treat (Partridge v Crittenden)6, however, the courts have interpreted advertisements in a manner which allows for certain exceptions to be create d and the main reasons for that has been cited to be intention to be bound and certainty (Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.)7. Further, the advertisement of an auction sale is generally only an invitation to treat (Harris v Nickerson)8. The opinions as to when an offer is made have differed. In respect of the advertisement that had been placed by Serena in the Sunday Times Style, the first and foremost question is whether such advertisement was an invitation to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


ARGUMENT #1 MINIMUM WAGE JOBS ARE STEPPING STONES - Essay Example In addition, a record of coherent result, which clarifies when it can be said (and what it intends to say) that some case or disposition is a consistent outcome of an alternative. typology of contention which gives a structure of contention and examination by identifying the fundamental sorts of argument that need to be recognized deductive is monistic, henceforth one of the least complex typologies; others will recognize in a general sense various types of arguments. An account of a proper argument that points out general criteria for deductive, inductive, and conductive contentions;. The meanings of constructive contention outline which characterize great examples of thinking (sensible engages power, sensible assaults against the individual; and so forth.) and some hypothetical record of false notions and the part they can (and cannot) play in understanding and evaluating casual contentions. A record of the part that group of onlookers (emotion) and ethos and other logical thoughts ought to play in examining and evaluating contention and lastly that a clarification of the rationalistic commitments that join to arguments specifically sorts of settings. The difference of contention and persuasion has some recorded essentialist insofar as it is the premise of the refinement in the middle of rationale and talk as they are generally comprehended — rationale picking contention as its center, talk picking influence. This being said, the qualification in the middle of influence and contention remains a slippery one when one considers the contentions one finds in casual talk. Absolutely it must be said that engages feeling and character assume a huge part in standard contentions that happen in social, moral and political settings. In a contention about atomic strategy, for instance, it would be manufactured to uproot the feeling inborn in a depiction of the results of atomic war say, the the effects of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Benefits and Drivers Proposal for Kmart Research Paper

Benefits and Drivers Proposal for Kmart - Research Paper Example Dynamic strategies are inherently linked to the changing preferences of the people and the environment within which business operates (Montgomery, 2008). Kmart, would therefore greatly benefit from innovation, design and creativity not only in its products and services but also in its vision and operation. Through innovation in ideas and products, Kmart can easily achieve its goals and objectives. Kmart has created many brands which cater not only to the middle class segment but also the high end. But now Kmart must create unique capabilities that would give it a competitive advantage (Stalk et al., 1992)). Customers are the major part of all businesses. Kmart has excellent customer service which can be further improved through continuous feedback from customers. To improve and improvise Kmart can offer customers incentive to identify flaw in the customer service. They can also be offered to give suggestions to improve the store. Moreover, using social networking, Kmart can run online contest for best suggestion and implement them to gain customer long time loyalty. This would serve dual purpose: gain popularity; and at the same time, get innovative suggestion for improvement directly from the customers that meet their expected level of service. Kmart needs some highly creative input vis-Ã  -vis design format/ interior decoration of homes or offices. It would attract new segment of young and mobile people who have financial resources but not the time to put their ideas into reality. Kmart could start an online superstore that would facilitate customers’ dream to come true. They can outline their dream design and choose items or give specifications of their requirement regarding various goods and services. The store can then give tentative estimate, take advance and decorate/ design customers’ homes and offices as per their dream. This would be a highly exclusive activity which none of the competitors have. Hence, developing

Saturday, October 5, 2019

A critical discussion of the role of organisational memory on Essay

A critical discussion of the role of organisational memory on innovation - Essay Example ith implementation; the more innovative a function, the thinner the time gap between creating and executing, planning and creating, or conceptualizing and applying. Researchers have identified innovation as a variation from current customs or understanding (Mooner & Miner, 1997, p. 95). As advancement involves some level of design or plan, it is believed that is a type of innovation. Nonetheless, it is just one type of innovation. For instance, if an organization innovates a fresh technique to store chemicals by analyzing its requirements, collecting details, planning the fresh storage utility, receiving proposals, and ultimately creating it, the organization has innovated. In addition, innovative activities may involve quite different levels of improvement; a very huge percentage or comparatively tiny percentage of the activities may be novel. Some level of innovation is necessary for an activity to meet the chronological order classification due to its stress on plan or design of activity. These concerns propose a fine connection between innovation and organizational memory. On the other hand, they as well mean that treating them as the same could decrease the capability to appreciate the particular concerns of chronological order by confusing level of organizational memory with level of innovation. Clarifying these differences highlights the notion that the â€Å"proposed definition makes no predictions or assumptions in and of itself regarding the consequences of innovation† Mooner and Miner, 1997, p. 96). This makes innovation more helpful as a study field, because it is then possible to hypothesize as well as check ideas regarding the situations in which innovation is and is not important. It is argued here that organizational memory signifies one of the major determinants of the environment of innovative endings. One thing that is clear with respect to organizational innovation is the effect of earlier practices as well as understanding of the innovating

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-sections and Longitudinal Re Assignment

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-sections and Longitudinal Research for Measuring Life Course Changes - Assignment Example As seen in the work of Quadagno (2014), cross-sectional research is advantageous as is allows making comparisons between diverse aged persons of different age cohorts. This is to mean that the researchers can ask similar questions to different persons then make comparisons from the responses given through analysis and evaluation. Secondly, cross-sectional studies are advantageous as they have the capacity to survey the age differences in the attitudes and the conduct of the aged (Quadagno, 2014; Settersten & Angel, 2011). This explains the extent to which the cross-sectional studies are valid in an assessment of the aged. However, the cross-sectional studies as indicated by Quadagno (2014) and Settersten & Angel (2011) have the disadvantage that they do not have the capacity the changes that occur as the person's age. The studies, therefore, is a key concept in gerontology. As seen in the research conducted by Grenier (2012), longitudinal research is the most appropriate way of studying the age. First, Quadagno (2014) indicates that through the longitudinal research, it is possible that the researcher traces the development of them as they progress over time. The second advantage of the longitudinal research revolves around the fact that this kind of research, is better placed for differentiating between the age, period as well as the cohort effects. However, the major disadvantage of longitudinal research as Quadagno (2014) writes relates to cost issues. Since the longitudinal research involves tracing the development of individual overage, the researcher may incur lots of costs in an attempt to follow-up progressive growth of individuals. In this perspective as well, it is important to note some of the persons may even die prior to completion of the research. Conclusively, the past events of  the life of an aged person play a role in gerontological research. Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies contribute a great deal to the study of the aging population.Â